SAP Calculations Infographic – Learn What’s Involved for New Builds

Discover the process of SAP calculations on new build properties:

SAP Calculations are used to assess the carbon emissions and annual energy costs of a property and are best undertaken before building work commences.


The calculations are based on these key metrics:

  • Elements of structure
  • Heating and hot water system
  • Internal lighting
  • Renewable technologies used


STAGE 1 – Design, Draft Stage

Plans provided by the developer are assessed and from the specification provided, the thermal performance of the dwelling is calculated and elements of heat loss are given a ‘U’ value. Based on these calculations and data from the plans, it is determined whether the building will comply with Building Regulations.


STAGE 2 – Design, Final Stage

If the building is not compliant, then the assessor will suggest alternative solutions. Once these solutions and designs have been agreed upon and the building can achieve SAP compliance based on these plans, then a report is submitted to Building Control along with a PEA (Predicted Energy Assessment).


STAGE 3 – Built – Draft Stage

Once the properties have been built, air tightness testing is required on all dwellings to determine any air leakage and heat loss. The SAP Calculations will then be amended to reflect the results from this test and to ensure it still meet regulations.


STAGE 4 – Built – Final Stage

The SAP Calculations are finalised and an EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) is created. All documents and calculations are submitted to Building Control and the developer is informed.

Once this has been completed, the properties are now legally allowed to be sold.

Posted in Infographics, EPCs.